Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's a Snow Week!!!!

I'm so excited to be able to post this morning, Our internet has been too slow this week to post, and so it's with great Joy at I'm here this morning!!
So Here is a peek into our little home and our Crazy week!!!!

My week started out like this. "Mount Washmore" was everywhere. Thankfully it was all clean I just had to find the time to sit and fold it!

And the Lord Blessed us with about 18 inches of fresh snow, so the kids were just buzzing with excitement that they were driving me batty, so we had to do something!
We made Peanut butter play doe!!   

They had a blast and the best things about it was that it was yummy, and LOOK what I got done while they were creating and playing! :)

"Mount Washmore" a bit better contained!
Soon Daddy got home and we headed out to play in the beautiful Snow!!!

They Love when Jon makes it snow on them. The screams of joy and giggles as Daddy gets them just make me laugh. I love it!!
Here is Liam on the Run.

Have a great weekend, Lord willing I'll be able to post more this week!

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