Thursday, January 23, 2014

Joy in Little Things!

I'm striving to find Joy in the little things, in the everyday comings and goings of life of a Pastors Wife and a Mama of 4 beautiful Blessings for the Lord.
But I struggle with the planning and preparing, I want everything to be just perfect! All the decorations and the bling to be just right, the kids to be dressed in their best. and yet what does that do to please the Heavenly Father??
 My heart is drawn to this passage from Isaiah..
"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." ~ Isaiah 30:15

So my Goal for "2014" is to do just that. to find my quietness in the Lord and in Him find His Sweet JOY!
I'm beginning to love all the works of Anna Voskamp. and I just wanted to share this with you. and it's also a sweet reminder to myself.

Have a Delightful Day!