Friday, April 11, 2008

March & April News

It’s been a very long time since we’ve updated, and so much has happened in our lives.
Let’s see where to begin?
March 1st was Liam’s 1st Birthday, and that was a fun filled day with a party and friends.
The middle of March we took an unexpected trip to GA for a death in the family. It was great to see our family form the south and enjoy the warm weather there. It spoiled us so much that I (Carra) could of moved down there that very weekend for good. It was great!
On the way home we got to see some of our good friends the Wallace’s. it was such a fun blessing to see them and get to meet their son Elijah.
And the rest of the month was busy as normal with family and church stuff.

Liam is growing so fast. He’s trying to walk and is in to everything.Over the past few days the weather here has been so nice that we have took a walk and been outside a big part of the day. Liam loves to play in the yard.
He was helping me work in the flower beds and we found a earth worm and at first he was’t quit sure what to think of it and then he picked it up and looked at it and played with it for a while! It was so much fun to watch him explore that new “friend!”

All is well with Baby Ellie, We are 26 weeks and counting down.I love this stage in pregnancy, you’re really not too big and you’re not too tired, and you can still somewhat bend over!
But my most favorite part is getting to feel her move all around. From the time I first roll over in the morning till when I go to sleep at night. She is there to remind me of what an Awesome Creator we have, and His plan for our lives.

Well that’s what’s up with us right now.
Have a good week. We love you!

Liam and his Cousins.
Hanging out with Elijah !

One day I couldn't find Liam and I started looking all over the house, I could hear him, but didn't see him, He was under our futon couch.
Watching Daddy gather wood outside.
Eating Liam's fav. thing to do!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

NC Buckeye Fans said...