Sunday, January 27, 2008

It’s been a crazy week here in the Moorman house.
Everything from thermometers to children’s Tylenol we used it all once or twice.
You guessed it right; Liam has had the yucky virus going around our Church nursery.
But he seems to be all better, and back to his normal self again.
This week he amused us with his funny faces that he likes to make when he is eating.
He is becoming quiet a clown these days! (Just like his Daddy. ;) )
Even when he was sick he still loved to eat. It seems as though Apple Sauce is still his favorite food! We go through lots of it! I told Jon the other day that next year I needed to can or freeze apple sauce, because we’ll have two eating it next year!!

All is well with Jon and me. We are busy but good.

In our Christmas news letter I talked about how I was so behind on my scrap booking and that I really wanted to get it all done soon. With Liam being sick this week and sleeping so much I got almost all caught up! I’m so excited, and once we “Lord willing” find out what this baby is I’ll get started on those pages so that they will be all done before the baby gets here! And all I have to do is add the pix.

I should be going for now,
Have a Blessed and God filled week!

Here are some of those funny faces!
Oh, Liam what a fun blessing you are to Mama and Daddy,
We love you!

This afternoon after church he was so tired that we just got him out if his carseat and put him right into his bed!

Then this is what he wakes up like!!!

Have a very Blessed week!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Warm Winter wishes!

Hello Everyone!
It’s a chilly day here in MD. So we thought that we would warm your hearts with some new pictures of Liam from the past few weeks!
Things are going well here.
Liam turned 10 months on the 1st and is in to everything, like opening up cabinets and just looking inside, he hasn’t pulled anything out yet but I’m sure that it’s soon to come!
His latest accomplishment is standing alone, he just stared last week. We don’t have a picture if it yet cause as soon as I get the camera out he grabs for it and falls over.
But very soon he well be off and running. Mama’s not ready for that yet :(
We had a Dr.’s appointment a few weeks ago for the baby and we got to hear the heart beat for the first time. It’s so amazing you would think after hearing Liam’s so often we would be tired of hearing it. But nope there is no way that we will ever grow tired of that little whooshing sound. Before we got to hear the heart beat it wasn’t a reality that we were pregnant, (besides the whole sick part for me.) But then getting to hear the heart beat brings everything to reality. How can anyone say that there is “No God” and have a baby? Just to have this Lil` Blessing growing inside me is amazing.
We’re 14 weeks today! The past weeks have gone by so fast. In a book that we have it’s says that the baby is about the size of my fist. It’s so hard to believe that Lil.One is that big already! And anytime now I could feel the first few movements!! With Liam we were about 15 ½ weeks along that I first felt him move, and about 22 weeks when Jon could feel him move, so we’ll see with this one!

Have a blessed week!

Oh So sorry about the red eyes, I forgot to change them on the cam. before I took them off for the blog! :(

Liam thought that it was fun to try Mama's boots on!

Our Little Monkey! he loves to clim on anything that he can find!

Crawling was hard a few months a go, now I'm a Prow!!!

This week Liam has started carring thing around in his mouth like a puppy when he crawls!

Our Big Boy!
We love you Liam!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fun in the new year!

Happy 2008 everyone!
We had a great start to our new year! We went to friends from church for a party and enjoyed the fellowship and lots of yummy food :)
Liam did great he stayed up the whole time and fell asleep on the way home!
Yesterday we went Hiking as a family to Swallow falls state park here in our town, Liam enjoyed the front pak and Mama and Daddy enjoyed the snow!!!
Here are some pix from yesterday.
Oh yea, there are some pix from the past few days too!

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Have a blessed week!