I just have a few min. this morning, Aiden is not feeling good so I didn't want to put him in the nursery, so I'm in Daddy's office! so why waist a few min? I'll blog!
We are just about all moved in up stairs, the Kids are in, but we are waiting to see if our bed will fit up there, it just might be too tall for the slanted barn style ceilings.
The kids love their new rooms, Lanna had a hard time the first night cause of being all alone for the first time. But she's done fine from there on out!
and the boys are having a blast being together. the other morning I woke up to them laughing together! I loved it. But I'm not so sure I like the idea of my baby thinking he's a Big boy now!
We don't have everything all in place yet, were still missing some pictures and things for the walls, but with Garage sale season soon to be here I'm having a hard time spend $20 on something that I can get for $1 here soon! so I'll just wait!
So with all that said, here is just a sneak peak of the kids move upstairs!
Oh! Aiden is fist with his new CRAZY hair!!!
Putting Lanna's bed together!
It was given to us by friends from Church! Thanks Alex and Amy!

The kids loved helping!
Moving Liam's Bed in!

Sorry It's just a peak, I'll try and get it around this week for a full tour. but there is a chance that the kiddo's and I may be going to IN. for the week. if their snow clears up. so if that happens I'll try to get them up as soon as we get back!
Have a blessed day!