Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Molding and Shaping!

The Lord been working in my life a lot over the past few weeks about contentment and where He has for me in this season of life and I was blogging the other day and came across this quote from Stephanie at http://www.keeperofthehome.org/. I just found her blog recently and really enjoy it.
She said.

"It is still a learning curve for me, balancing housework, cooking, child training, home educating, and serving my husband. I still so often feel overwhelmed and under-equipped for the task at hand. But regardless of how I feel... what do I communicate? That I revel in the role that God has given me? That there is absolutely no where else I would rather be? That I accept with joy even the mundane parts of my day (the laundry, the toilets, etc.)? My daughters (and my sons as well) need to see a picture of a woman that is at rest, and even better, rejoicing in her role. They need to know that I love being a wife. Love being a mom. Love caring for my home and showing hospitality. That what God has called me to do is a privilege and NOT a burden.My goal for today? To choose joy and contentment. To purposefully express to my daughter how very good God's ways are, and how right He was to place me right where I am- in my home!"

When I read this to myself I said "this is so me". and then the Lord began to really work on my heart. what do I portray to my Babies and my Hubby and those who come into our home?
A harried, frustrated, impatience, perfectionist who has to have it all just right every day or else?
Or a meek, quite, in control... but surrendered Mama who loves her Lord and the season of life that He has given her?
I'm so convicted and humbled that I'm not the "Quite" one. if you could be a fly on our wall you'd see the other side of me.
So I'm grateful that the Lord doesn't leave go our own way but that He molds us and shapes us to become more like His Son.
I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to do in my life this summer as He mold and shapes my heart for His Glory.
If you want to be callenged and encouraged and see some really fun stuff head over to Stephanie's blog!
Thanks Stephanie!!!
Have a blessed day!
and Gmas yes I'll post some pix of the kiddos next! ;)

1 comment:

The Gaertegang Homestead said...

Great post and some really powerful stuff to "chew on".....praying for you...as I ask you pray for me to grow in this area as well :)