Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's Corn Time!

Corn, Corn, Yummy Yummy Corn! 
As summer comes to a close our last event for our church family is a Corn Roast!
It's a great evening of fellowship and fun. and not to mention lots and lots of eating.

Mr. Steve enjoying our little Quinn!

This year we added a time of Picking Fun! 
 The kids had a ball.

 Mrs. Holly Teaching Liam how to play the spoons!

 Dreaming about playing the guitar some day!

 Even Aiden got into the fun!

 The Lord Blessed us with a beautiful evening and painted the sky just so He could be glorified!

So sad to see summer coming to a close, but excited for all the fun of fall to begin!
Have a Blessed week!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

What a beautiful sunset!