Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Every day life!

  I've been thinking today what to do next, our list are so long that I'd like to get done before "lil Mr." arrives in a few weeks. but what really would honor the Lord the most?
I'm thinking through a normal schedule for our family.  here's what a "Normal" day would look like!
(If it's a Wed. we go to the Library for the morning. but the afternoon is the same.)

7:00 am wake up and Daddy leaves for work around 8.
8~ish Breakfast for the family
8:30~10:00 Get our day going,(  Quiet time for Mama, Laundry started, tidy up, dishes in the dishwasher...)
10:00 ~11:30 Home School with the Kiddo's
11:45 Lunch
Afternoon~ finish Laundry, play with kiddo's till nap time. tidy up again!
2:00 All kiddo's down for naps. 
       Mama... clean bathrooms if it's a thurs. think about dinner if it's not in the Crockpot already. relax a bit for baby. pay bills if it's the first of the month. and if there is "really" nothing to do I get to scrapbook!!! :)
3:00 Start dinner, kiddo's up, fix snack for them.
5:00 Dinner on the table and enjoy dinner with Daddy!
6:00~ 6:45 Family time.
7:00 Bed time for kiddo's and family Devotions.
7:00~ On... Spend time with Hubby and enjoy him!!! Usually I try not to do anything at all work wise when he's here. I want to teach our kiddo's to Honor him in that way, and yes there is times when I "Must" do something, but he is so gracious and doesn't care. but it's still my goal to not do anything but be with him! and I cherish those times greatly!!!
        So often I get into that rut that I forget to ask the Lord what He'd have me to do. so I've set me mind to ask this question daily! " What would the Lord want me to do today?" and leave it open to change if that's what He so desires!
So let me leave this same question with you!!
                “How do you determine which things God wants you to do each day?”
 I'd love to hear from you and how you go about your day, and how you do determine what you will do?


Tanya Dennis said...

I ask myself the same question. It can be too easy to just roll with life rather than be intentional with our time. What I have found, though, is that God rarely offers explicit job lists. Instead, He provides divine interruptions of opportunity. So as I plan my days, I try to choose things that will honor Him and foster a love for Him within my family, but I am also very intentional about evaluating "interruptions" or deviations in light of His character. Sometimes interruptions are distractions, but sometimes they are invitations to serve Him.

Unknown said...

Awesome Tanya!!!
Thanks for sharing. I love to hear how the Lord works in each of our lives, and each family!!!